The Mixtape


The Dropout Series (1 of 1)

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24” x 18” wood canvas installation constructed using an authentic CASIO cassette player & stereo, a cassette tape, an 1980’s dictionary, a triangle ruler and a drafting compass. These items were aesthetically refurbished with a white chalk paint and a clear matte chalk top coat finish.



Inspired by Rap culture and the lyricist movement. The art of storytelling and the play of words that compose the so called “bars” have touched the imaginations of people worldwide. What once started as an underground genre has evolved into one of the most dominant industries in music history. Iconic figures such as 2pac, Run DMC, Nas, Wu-tang Clan, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy and many others are walking testimony of the Dropout Series. You got bars? Let me hear ‘em

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